Licence 2
Three spatial concepts
Fosco Lucarelli Anna Rosellini
The S3 design studio is primarily based on a theoretical and practical exploration of the formal dimension in architecture. The ambition is to provide an understanding of the nature of a building in terms of the strategies architects use to organise space. All throughout the semester we provide the students with the keys, techniques and skills to articulate a critical position through the design of a small residential unit for a group of 5 to 10 individuals.
This design studio primarily focuses on three spatial strategies, providing particular accent to the building principles underlying the theoretical concepts of spatial arrangement: the “Structure-space”, the “Raumplan”, the “Free plan”.

Three spatial concepts
In order to make these strategies operational, the studio is developed along three phases:
1st phase (Atlas of strategies)
A case study of ten villas conceived by modern and contemporary architects and offices. The students are led to study such paradigmatic cases’ formal and compositional principles by producing drawings and models at the scale of 1/50.
2nd phase (Imaginary: artistic subjects and inhabitants)
The students establish then the constitutive principles of a small residential unit by adopting one of the three strategies as the basis of the formal organisation.
Whereas the beginning of the design stems from an investigation on disciplinary matters, at this stage, the students also start to be confronted with extra-disciplinary questions, namely with a series of artistic subjects (coming from A.Rosellini 1st year course of Art History) and with the domestic exigences of specific dwellings’ inhabitants. By facing the students with these subjects, we aimed to provide a source of productive imaginary for each project. Themes of process, matter, memory, political engagement, territory, city, and environment are evoked and questioned to provide notions that are able to nurture the shaping of the spaces of the design project.
Parallelly, the choice of the nature of the building’s inhabitants - beyond the realm of the traditional, Western family model - opens the field to domestic issues, questions of use, and contemporary ways of living. A group of five to ten individuals, grouped by affinity (a social or political condition, an age group, an ability, etc…) share the same domestic space, which is organized according to their specific, collective and individual needs.
3rd phase (Synthesis)
This phase is intended for the development of the final projects to make the questions explored in the previous phases consistent and clear. Issues relating to formal principles are constantly evaluated according to the intrinsic characteristics of materials and building systems.
Monitrice : Léa Tintignac
Jury final : Charlotte Truwant et Anthony Benarroche