Admissions to the School of Architecture for the 2024-2025 academic year
These application procedures are reserved for external candidates who are not enrolled at the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires for the year 2023/2024.
Changes may be made to the admission procedures between now and the opening of the 2024/2025 campaign.
We invite you to consult this page regularly.
Apply for admission to Licence 1 via Parcoursup
This procedure is reserved for applicants holding or preparing for the French baccalauréat, holders of a French baccalauréat who have completed one year of studies in higher education (reorientation), French applicants holding or preparing for a diploma exempted from the baccalauréat, applicants holding or preparing for a European Union diploma equivalent to the French baccalauréat, applicants who have been granted refugee status.
Candidates of French nationality who have followed a course of study abroad not equivalent to the French baccalauréat and who wish to continue their studies in higher education in France also go through this procedure.
Application for admission to Parcoursup
Application fee: €37 directly in Parcoursup, not applied to scholarship students.
Application for admission to the APCAE degree program (Licence professionnelle d'assistant à chef de projet en aménagement de l'espace)
This procedure is exclusively reserved for applicants currently preparing for the Licence ACPAE co-produced by the Université Gustave Eiffel, the Écoles Nationales Supérieures d'Architecture de Paris-Est and Paris-Belleville and the École des Ingénieurs de La Ville de Paris.
Foreign candidates from outside the European Union are eligible only if they already hold a French higher education diploma. Candidates who do not hold or are in the process of obtaining a French higher education diploma are not eligible for this application process: they must go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP).
Submit your application via the external admissions portal Taïga
Application fee: €37 by bank transfer RIB, not applied to scholarship students with proof.
Application for admission to Licence 2, 3 and Master 1 courses (excluding apprenticeships), via an application for entry by validation of prior learning
This procedure is reserved for students from France or the European Union, currently enrolled in higher education in France or the European Union, who already hold a degree, or who have professional experience relevant to the course. International candidates with refugee status are also eligible for this application procedure.
International applicants from outside the European Union are eligible only if they already hold a French higher education diploma. Applicants who do not hold or are in the process of obtaining a French higher education diploma are not eligible for this application process: they must go through the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP).
For students already enrolled in a school of architecture for the current year, the procedure to be followed is that of incoming transfers.
Application via the external admissions portal Taïga
Application fee: €37 by bank transfer (rib), not applied to scholarship students with supporting documents.
Application for admission to Licence 3 or Master 1, apprenticeship, via an application for entry by validation of prior learning
This procedure is reserved for applicants from France or the European Union who are currently enrolled in higher education, have already obtained a degree or diploma, or who are not from the European Union but have already obtained a degree or diploma in French higher education, or who have professional experience and are interested in studying architecture (validation of prior learning).
International candidates with refugee status are also eligible for this application procedure.
International candidates from outside the European Union are eligible only if they already hold a French higher education diploma.
Applicants must be between 16 and 29 years of age (or older if they are already enrolled in an apprenticeship program, are setting up a business, or are disabled).
For students already enrolled at a École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture, the procedure is the same as for incoming transfers.
Application via the external admissions portal Taïga
Application fee: €37 by bank transfer (rib), not applicable to scholarship students.
Apply for admission to Licence 2, or Licence 3 and Master 1 (excluding apprenticeship), or Licence 3 or Master 1 apprenticeship, Master via the Structure & Architecture curriculum via the ENSA transfer procedure.
This dematerialized procedure is exclusively reserved for students already enrolled in a French École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture (ENSA) via their student portal Taïga. Students enrolled in an ENSA as part of a study mobility program are not eligible for this procedure.
Application fees: none
Application for admission to Master 1, Structure & Architecture curriculum, via an application for entry by validation of prior learning
This procedure is reserved for students who are in the process of obtaining, or who hold, a Diplôme d'Etudes en Architecture (DEEA) or a European Bachelor of Architecture degree under the LMD system, and who are entering the Master's program for the first time. Students who have already completed a Master's degree are excluded from this procedure.
Foreign applicants who have been granted refugee status and meet the required criteria are also eligible for this procedure.
Applicants for this course must hold a bachelor's degree or European equivalent with a scientific background.
Students enrolled in an ENSA (excluding international mobility students) must apply directly for a transfer via their Taïga student portal and follow the procedure indicated.
Application via the external admissions portal Taïga
Application fee: €37 by bank transfer rib, not applicable to scholarship students.
Application for admission to Licence 1, 2 and 3 or Master 1 full-time courses (excluding apprenticeships) for non-EU international applicants
This procedure concerns international applicants who are non-EU nationals, do not hold a French higher education diploma and have not been granted refugee status.
Depending on their place of residence, candidates must submit a Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) - Yellow file (via Études en France and outside Études en France) and/or Blue file. In addition to submitting an application file in the same way as those applying via validation d'acquis, they must also demonstrate a good command of the French language.
Please note that apprenticeships are not open to this type of application.
Formations post-master
Application dates to come
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- ENSA de Paris-Est external students (foreign students and students from another ENSA): registration via Taiga before 15/03/2024
- ENSA de Paris-Est internal students: registration by form and file sent via Onedrive before 01/05/2024
DSA in architecture and urban planning
Application dates to come .
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DPEA Post-Carbon Architecture
Application dates to come .
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Licence- Master
Structure and Architecture
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