École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Architecture des limites planétaires

    Architectural practice and research in the face of ecological upheaval

    The Architecture of Planetary Limits (ALP) post-master’s program is an intensive one-year course dedicated to deepening the knowledge and skills needed to design architecture that respects planetary limits. The latter represent the constraints imposed on the development of our societies, but they also define a framework for thought and action that opens up a vast field of exploration for architectural practice and research.

    The post-master’s program is designed to support graduate architects and engineers in this exploration, through an interdisciplinary program combining engineering sciences, life and earth sciences, environmental humanities, and architectural history and theory. It draws on a long-standing partnership with the École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC), and on ongoing exchanges with renowned institutions such as the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), the Sustainable Environmental Design master’s program at the Architectural Association School (AA) in London, and the Sustainable Construction chair at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). It thus offers unique conditions for developing the scientific culture, technical knowledge and critical thinking needed to integrate ecological considerations into architectural design and research.

    Launched in 2013 as the DPEA Post-Carbon Architecture, this program benefits from over a decade of experience, giving it international recognition. It prepares students for a reflective and committed practice in architectural firms, design offices, public institutions, local authorities and associations. Anchored in academic research, it is also ideal training for a doctoral thesis on environmental issues in architecture.


    After a month in September devoted to building a common foundation of fundamental knowledge, the program is organized around two semesters of teaching (October to February, then March to May), followed by a four-month period of work experience (June to September).

    Over the course of these two semesters, a multi-disciplinary teaching team made up of recognized practitioners and researchers come to share their knowledge and engage in discussions around five main teaching themes:

    • building thermodynamics ;
    • knowledge and practices of repair;
    • production chains and territorial ecology;
    • architecture and its ecosystems
    • environmental humanities.


    At the same time, students work in groups on projects resulting from real-life commissions from public institutions, research organizations or private establishments. These studies are based on concrete situations whose analysis puts into perspective the teaching provided in the rest of the course. They combine research and design around transformation, renovation and repair projects. Two main themes structure these studies:

    • regenerative architecture, which explores architectural forms whose construction materials help weave new links between our built forms and sustainable agricultural and forestry practices;
    • the architecture of energy bifurcations, devoted to the impact of climate change and decarbonization policies on buildings, energy infrastructures and ways of living.

    Regular visits to the sites concerned enable us to carry out an in-depth investigation, on the basis of which we then propose a response to the issues raised by the local players and institutions involved. The final deliverable takes the form of a report, models and an oral presentation.

    The ALP seminar

    Every Tuesday, a seminar opens up a space for discussion around shared readings that support in-depth training in environmental research in architecture. Students carry out original investigative work in the form of a scientific article. Students wishing to embark on a doctoral thesis benefit from specific support throughout the year, enabling them to define a research topic, identify funding opportunities and make the necessary contacts with laboratories and institutions likely to host their project. The close links maintained between the post-master’s program and, in particular, the research laboratories of Ensa Paris-Est (OCS), ENPC (Navier), Université Gustave Eiffel (Latts), ETH Zurich and Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) give future doctoral students privileged access to a network of researchers involved in environmental research.

    Thematic weeks

    Finally, five theme weeks punctuate the year. They provide an opportunity to bring together the Ensa Paris-Est communities and an outside audience around a panel of French and international guests, to explore five themes central to the training program:

    • Architecture of energy bifurcations ;
    • Regenerative materials;
    • Agriculture, forestry and architecture;
    • Representing architecture and its ecosystems;
    • Architecture, ecology and politics.

    At the end of these two semesters, students complete a four-month internship. They benefit from the program’s network of contacts in architecture agencies, design offices, public institutions, associations and research laboratories in France and abroad.

    Post-master’s program directed by Jean Souviron, a state-qualified architect, civil engineer and doctor in the art of building and urban planning.
    with : Alia Bengana (EPF Lausanne, HEIA Fribourg), Paul Bouet (Ensa Paris-Est), Laurens Bekemans, Yohann Hubert and Jasper Van Der Linden (BC architects & studies & materials, Brussels), Rafael Alonso Candau, Florencia Collo and Olivier Dambron (Atmos Lab, London), Camille de Gaulmyn (degré, Paris), Guillaume Habert (ETH Zurich), Emmanuel Keita (ENPC), Sébastien Marot (Ensa Paris-Est, EPFL), Nzinga B. Mboup (Worofila, Dakar), Brian Padilla (MNHN), Antoine Perron (Ensa Paris-Belleville), Emmanuelle Raoul-Duval (ROOM, Paris), Claire Vernhes (Ensa Paris-Est, MEAT architectures et territoires), etc.

    Courses are taught in English or French. A minimum level of B2 is required in both languages. In French, this corresponds to a minimum score of 400 to 499 points on the TCF language level test. In English, this corresponds to a TOEIC score of 785 to 944 points.

    Registration fees
    1800 euros. The course is eligible for a grant based on social criteria (application to Crous de Créteil). For salaried employees, this course is listed with funding organizations such as Pôle emploi and OPCO.

    The ALP post-master’s program is open to French and foreign architects and engineers with degrees. Selection, from May to July, is based on a letter of application, a CV, a portfolio of work and an interview. The program is open to both initial and continuing professional training.

    When and where to apply ?
    From April, via the admissions portal Taïga in the drop-down menu choose Ensa Paris-Est.

    Jean Souviron

    In brief
    ECTS credits: 90
    Duration : 10 months + 4 months internship
    Level of studies : bac + 6

    Initial training
    Stacy Saillard
    Phone +33 (0)1 60 95 84 28

    Registrations for 2025-2026 will open in April.

    Taiga portal notice
    pre-registration portal

    Documents to download

    Photo credit
    Jean Souviron