Research seminar
The OCS laboratory's monthly seminar cycle brings together the school's researchers and guest researchers for two presentations. Both speakers are invited to present their research or work in progress. At the end of each lecture, a collegial discussion is opened with all the researchers and teachers present. The OCS seminar aims to be a forum for discussion, sharing hypotheses and questions, and putting research into perspective.
séance #01 | mardi 15 octobre 2024 | ↓ read the abstracts |
Camille Lot Julie Maillard Pauline Soulenq |
architect, visual artist and musician, associate member of OCS/AUSser architect, landscape and urban planner, professor at Ensa Paris-Est and Ensa Clermont-Ferrand, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory architect and urban planner, professor at Ensa Paris-Est, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory |
L'eau brute Atlas stratigraphique et prospectif d'une ressource |
Zoé Raimbault | urban planner and soil scientist, research engineer at the Land Transition Chair, Ensa Paris-Est & École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris | Vers des sols vivants |
session #02 | Monday November 18, 2024 | |
Manon Espinasse | architect, urban planner, doctoral student at LVMT (École nationale des ponts et chaussées) and OCS/AUSser, on CIFRE at Bordeaux Métropole | Autoroute d'une métropolisation |
Rocío Calzado López | architect and documentary filmmaker, doctoral student at LATTS (École nationale des ponts et chaussées), co-founder of docar films, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est | Au-delà de la démolition, le soin de l'architecture |
séance #03 | mardi 10 décembre 2024 | |
Gwenaëlle d'Aboville | urban planner, architect, associate lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Le sol des grands ensembles |
Laurent Koetz | architect, PhD, associate professor at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Les matériaux rustiques entre le 19e et le 20e siècle. Bois brut and ciment rocaille |
Session #04 | Tuesday, January 14, 2025 | |
Mariabruna Fabrizi Fosco Lucarelli |
architect, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory architect, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory |
Image schema et projet. |
Alessandra Miglio | architect, urban planner, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory and the UMR Innovation (INRAE) | L'habitat paysan à l'épreuve des transitions |
session #05 | february 11, 2025 | |
Frédérique Mocquet | Architect, PhD, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Fashioning the world: visions of photographic engineers in the mountains (19th century) |
Lauriane Mollet-Rastello | architect, intern with the OCS/AUSser laboratory | La pensée de l'archipel - Une pensée du fragment et de la relation en architecture |
→ programming details to come |
session #01 | tuesday, november 28, 2023 | ↓ read abstracts |
Audrey Brantonne | architect, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory, associate professor at ENSA Nancy | Petites villes en décroissance, la part de l'architecture |
Jean-Marc Weill | architect, engineer, professor at Ensa Paris-Est and associate researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Les systèmes constructifs hybrides |
session #02 | Thursday, December 14, 2023 | |
Grégory Azar | architect, doctor in history and theory of architecture, associate researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est | Gino Valle à La Défense |
Emmanuel Breton | architect, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory, associate lecturer at ENSA Marseille | L'architecture des Whisperers, l'héritage des Smithson en partage |
session #03 | Wednesday, January 17, 2024 | |
Laurie Gangarossa | architect, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory, permanent member of UMR Ressources, lecturer at ENSA Clermont-Ferrand | Se figurer les architectes-autobiographes |
Isaline Maire | architect, doctoral student at the Inama (Ensa Marseille) and Urbanistica (Iuav Venezia) laboratories, associate lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est | 4+1 figure |
session #04 | Monday, February 12, 2024 | |
Tristan Denis | architect, doctoral student at LéaV (Ensa Versailles) and CIFRE at TVK | Architectures hétérochroniques |
Félicien Pecquet-Caumeil | architect-urban planner, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory and co-founder of the Meat Architectures agency | Risquer d'habiter, en terres caribéennes Analyse transcalaire d'une recomposition littorale créole |
session #05 | Monday, March 11, 2024 | |
Anna Rosellini | historian of architecture and art, doctorate in architectural history, art science and restoration, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory, associate professor at the Department of Art at the Università di Bologna | HABITAT FORMS: room and "geologicalnetworks" |
Jannik Pra Levis | doctoral student in the history of contemporary architecture at the Dipartimento delle Arti dell'Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, research fellow at the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Costruire il verde. La storia del verde pubblico bolognese attraverso i piani regolatori del Comune |
session #06 | Monday April 8, 2024 | |
Alessandra Marcon | architect, PhD in urban and spatial planning, associate member of OCS/AUSser, post-doctoral researcher at the Dipartimento di Culture del progetto of IUAV Venezia | Territories of urban-rural hybridity in Veneto A spatial exploration of agro-ecological initiatives in the central Venetian plain |
Guillaume Meigneux Giaime Meloni |
architect, videographer, lecturer in ATR at ENSA Clermont-Ferrand, permanent member of UMR Ressources photographer, doctor of architecture, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory |
Les marges de manœuvres Ce que peut l'enseignement des Arts et Techniques de la Représentation en temps de crise |
Marion Boisset | architect at AUC, ATR lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est | La joie de l'inconfort Representations of comfort and comfortable spaces: the experience of the Solar Pavilion, Alison and Peter Smithson |
session #07 | Wednesday, May 22, 2024 | |
Sébastien Marot | Environmental historian and philosopher, HDR, professor at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Prendre la clef des champs : derniers développements |
Charles Rives | architect-urban planner, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory, teacher at Ensa Paris-Belleville | Le préverdissement des friches industrielles Une pratique d'aménagement avortée |
session #08 | wednesday, june 12, 2024 | |
Luc Baboulet | architect, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Temps, Territoire, Architecture |
Paul Bouet | architect, doctor of architecture, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory | Urbanizing the climate Climatic adaptation and oil extraction in war-torn Algeria |
session #01 | Wednesday, November 16, 2022 | ↓ read abstracts |
Éric Alonzo | architecte-urbaniste, docteur en architecture chercheur permanent au laboratoire OCS/AUSser professeur à l'Ensa Paris-est |
Architecture et géographie |
Marta Labastida | Architect, Doctor of Architecture (Escola Arquitectura de Barcelona, UPC) Professor at the Escola Arquitetura, Arte e Design Universidade do Minho (EAAD-UM) Researcher at the Lab2PT laboratory, Universidade do Minho |
Le Paysage Proche Fragments de la Vallée du Ave |
Frédérique Mocquet | architect, PhD in architecture, urban planning and development lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory |
Aménager la montagne, modeler le climat Essai d'histoire visuelle de l'aménagement [1860-1914] |
session #02 | Tuesday, December 13, 2022 | |
Moussa Belkacem | architect, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory teaching at Ensa Paris-est |
Inventorier les villages déplacés Census, atlas and reportage. |
Paul Landauer | architect, HDR, permanent researcher and director of the OCS/AUSser laboratory professor at Ensa Paris-est |
Ruine et réparation |
session #03 | Monday, January 9, 2023 | |
David Mangin | architecte urbaniste, docteur en urbanisme professeur émérite de l'Ensa Paris-est chercheur au laboratoire OCS/AUSser |
Rez-de-ville |
Giaime Meloni | photographer, doctor of architecture lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory |
Visual Thought - A research journey through images |
session #04 | february 28, 2023 | |
Carlo Pisano Giaime Meloni |
architect, PhD in urban planning, lecturer and researcher at the Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze photographer, PhD in architecture lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est researcher at the OCS/AUSser |
common fields |
Mathieu Delorme Valentin Clémence |
landscape and urban planning engineer lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est researcher associated with the OCS/AUSser laboratory geographer research engineer for the Freshway project |
Trajectories of urban cooling solutions Presentation of the Freshway project |
Sébastien Marot Frédérique Mocquet |
philosopher and environmental historian professor at Ensa Paris-Est and EPFL HDR, permanent researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory architect, PhD in architecture, urban planning and development lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory |
Catalyser des mondes vers un approfondissement des territoires de l'agriculture Retour de la journée d'étude du réseau ERPS (Espace Rural Projet Spatial) du 18 novembre 2022 → Mathieu Delorme, Sébastien Marot and Frédérique Mocquet are the referent-es of the ERPS network at Ensa Paris-est |
session #05 | thursday, march 23, 2023 | cancelled due to the "Ensa en lutte" |
Alessandra Marcon | architect, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory, consultant architect at the CAUE de Meurthe-et-Moselle and associate lecturer at ENSA Nancy architect, doctorate in architecture, researcher associated with the OCS/AUSser laboratory and the Dipartimento di culture del progetto of the Università IUAV di Venezia |
Social and solidarity-based economy, a lever for a new territorial dynamic? The case of the Communauté de Communes du Pays de Colombey et du Sud Toulois - Presentation of the application to the POPSU territories program "Small towns and countryside, ferments of new territorial solidarities " |
Paul Bouet | architect, PhD in architecture, permanent researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory post-doctoral fellow at ETH Zürich |
Climatizing the Sahara: an environmental history of architecture Presentation of post-doctoral research project |
session #06 | Thursday, April 20, 2023 | |
discussion as part of the Jeudis de la recherche " Tell me about your method! " |
→ résumé des communications | |
Moussa Belkacem | architect and doctoral student at OCS/AUsser | Atlas and itinerancy Adapting your research methods to a large corpus |
Marie Bourget-Mauger | architect and doctoral student at OCS/AUSser | Mener l'enquête savoir s'outils pour analyser son terrain |
Manon Espinasse | architect and doctoral student at LVMT and OCS/AUSser | Interrogating, mapping Methodes croisées en construction |
session #07 | Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 7:00 pm | |
Restitution de recherche doctorale | → résumé de la thèse | |
Alessandra Marcon | architect, PhD in architecture, research associate at the OCS/AUSser laboratory and at the Dipartimento di culture del progetto of the Università IUAV di Venezia | Deconstructing the paradigms of contemporary productive territories The urbanism of small-scale industry and peasant agriculture in the cases of Bocage vendéen and Val-de-Marne |
session #08 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 | Cancelled |
Grégory Azar | architect, PhD in history and theory of architecture, research associate at the OCS/AUSser laboratory, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est | Gino Valle at La Défense |
Paul Bouet | architect, PhD in architecture, permanent researcher at the OCS/AUSser laboratory post-doctoral fellow at ETH Zürich |
Climatizing the Sahara: an environmental history of architecture Presentation of the post-doctoral research project |
Illustration →
Manuel Casanueva, Escuela de Valparaíso, Archivo Histórico José Vial Armstrong, Chile
Laberinto y rebote,1986
research is a collective field
Edros y oides, 1979
Research trajectories
Giro y realce de triple cortejo sobre volutas, 1975
Researchers exploring the terrain of knowledge* Edros y oides, 1979
Sessions for the current year - 2024-25
tuesday, october 15, 2024
monday november 18, 2024
Tuesday December 10, 2024
Tuesday January 14, 2025
tuesday, february 11, 2025
Place and time
from 6pm to 8pm
in the Banham space (boardroom)
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