Licence 2
Monet’s Garden at Giverny
Fosco Lucarelli
The topic of the territory, its form, its constructed substance, its history, its memory, and its ideological apparatus is the framework for the 2nd year - 2nd semester's studio.
Students are invited to analyse specific contexts as territories with physical, historical, symbolic, and geographical values. This approach involves reading an economically, technically and culturally evolving landscape, imposing today a necessary revision of the very notion of context.
The house and garden of Claude Monet at Giverny, a work on its own right produced by the artist alongside his own paintings, is the central theme of this semester's studio.
The house and garden of Claude Monet at Giverny

Travaux d'étudiants

Monet’s Garden at Giverny
The studio is structured in three phases:
01 Inventory
In the first -research-oriented- phase, the students produce thematic visual inventories on specific aspects of Claude Monet's house and garden in Giverny.
These inventories take the form of a series of detailed drawings in black and white or in colour, aiming to apprehend the territory as an object by visualising in a non-exhaustive way the forms, the built typologies, the stratifications, the traces, the recurrent or punctual elements, the vegetation, the dynamics and the transformations.
The aim is to reveal the «exemplary landscape» contained in the existing situation. This first stage of the studio aims to shape an «imaginary of the territory», a visual inventory made up of fragments whose content is evoked metaphorically and analogically throughout the project's design phase, ultimately constituting its backbone.
02 Stratification
In the second phase, the students develop their projects.
Thanks to the progressive integration of a set of subsequent layers to the initial analyses, the concrete study of the sites impact the choice of a location and the definition of a program for a scientific research center associated with a community of artists and researchers working and living together.
03 Composition
During the third phase, the students further develop their project, investigating the notion of the domestic scale as the extended territory of contemporary activities, where the home becomes a space capable of accommodating a diversity of uses. This trend can be accompanied and questioned through architectural devices, taking into account issues related to the form/function dialectic, the relationship between the parts, the constructive technique and the relationship with the environment at large.
Cynthia Tréport
Alice Grégoire, Emmanuelle Raoul-Duval, Olivier Malclès