Laurent Koetz
Born in Savigny-sur-Orge in 1965, Laurent Koetz is an architect obtaining his degree from École d’architecture de Paris-Belleville [Paris-Belleville Architecture School] in 1993. He has held the position of senior assistant professor since 2006. He joined the School of Architecture, Cities, and Regions -East Paris in 2013 after having taught at the architecture school in Nancy.
Laurent Koetz’s work and research centers within the framework of a cultural approach to the history of techniques. Currently he is pursuing a doctoral thesis on the architect Louis Auguste Boileau (1812 - 1896), theoretician and precursor in the use of iron. Koetz has published several articles on this subject, notably Nineteenth Century Invention under Scrutiny : Louis Auguste Boileau’s Frame Construction Systems of a round 1850, in Nuts & Bolts of Construction History. Culture, Technology and Society, Paris, Picard, 2012.
Laurent Koetz published on post-war architecture in Mémoire et architecture nouvelle dans les restaurations de Saint-Malo, de Valognes et de Notre-Dame de Saint-Lô [« Memory in New Architecture in the Restorations of Saint-Mao, Valognes and Notre-Dame de Saint-Lô » ], in the colloquium publication De la ville perdue à la ville retrouvée, la ville en devenir [« From the Lost City to the Found and Future City »], Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2008.
On the subject of contemporary architecture, he has published Représenter la gravité. Deux maisons de Souto de Moura à Ponte de Lima [« Representing Gravity: Two Souto de Moura Houses in Ponte de Lima »], in the journal Marnes, documents d’architecture, vol. 2, 2012 ; and with Estelle Thibault : Ornement architectural et expression constructive : concepts d’hier et débats d’aujourd’hui [« Architectural Ornament in Constructive Expression: Past Concepts and Current Debates »], in the e-journal Images revues. Histoire, anthropologie et théorie de l’art, 2012.
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Articles et travaux (sélection)
- Nineteenth Century Invention under Scrutiny : Louis Auguste Boileau's FrameConstruction Systems of a round 1850, in Nuts & Bolts of Construction History. Culture, Technology and Society, Paris, Picard, 2012.
- Représenter la gravité. Deux maisons de Souto de Moura à Ponte de Lima, Marnes, documents d'architecture, vol. 2, 2012.
- Ornement architectural et expression constructive : concepts d'hier et débats d'aujourd'hui, avec Estelle Thibault, Images revues. Histoire, anthropologie et théorie de l'art, 2012.
- Mémoire et architecture nouvelle dans les restaurations de Saint-Malo, de Valognes et de Notre-Dame de Saint-Lô, dans De la ville perdue à la ville retrouvée, la ville en devenir, Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2008.