Éric Alonzo
Born in Castres in 1973, Éric Alonzo is a DPLG architect, professor and doctor of architecture.
After publishing a book on the genealogy of the traffic circle (Du rond-point au giratoire) in 2005, in 2018 he published L'Architecture de la voie, histoire et théories. This book is based on his doctoral thesis, which was awarded the First European Prize Manuel de Solà-Morales in 2017 for the best urban planning thesis in Europe.
At the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires, which he joined in 2001, he teaches a course on the history of infrastructures and co-directs the DSA d'architecte-urbaniste, post-master in urban design and landscape architecture.
He is also director of the school's research laboratory, the Observatoire de la condition suburbaine (OCS), where, with Sébastien Marot, he founded the periodical publication Marnes, document d'architecture and, since 2020, co-directs the partnership chair "le littoral comme territoire de projets".
Éric Alonzo was also president of the Teaching Council from 2015 to 2018, vice-president of the Research Commission on the Pedagogical and Scientific Council, and an elected member of the Technical Committee from 2018 to 2022. At Université Gustave Eiffel, he is elected to the Academic Council, where he is a member of the "Strategy and Forward Planning" commission, and belongs to the "Public Policy Support" committee.
In 2020, Éric Alonzo was appointed associate member of the Mission régionale d'autorité environnementale d'Île-de-France (Inspection générale de l'environnement et du développement durable), and regularly acts as an expert for the ministries in charge of urban planning and higher education. In particular, he is a member of the scientific council of the Ecosystem and Landscape Land Transport Infrastructure program (Ittecop) of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition.
He also teaches at the École des Ponts ParisTech and the École nationale des travaux publics de l'État.
From 2008 to 2009, he was a project manager at the French Ministry of Culture, within the operational scientific unit of the Grand Paris international consultation.
- Enseigne en Licence – Champ Territoire
- Enseigne en Post-master
- Enseigne en Post-master
- Membre de l’équipe de recherche
Mandate at Ensa Paris-Est * Director of the OCS/AUSer laboratory
- Director of the OCS/AUSser laboratory
Theses defended
L'architecture de la voie. History and theories
- Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize 2017 for the best doctoral thesis in the field of urban planning.
- Mention for the Prix littéraire René Pechère 2020, biennial prize for French-language garden and landscape books, Centre international pour la ville, l'architecture et le paysage (CIVA), Brussels
- L'architecture de la voie, Parenthèses, 2018
Marnes, documents d'architecture - Du rond-point au giratoire, Marseille, Parenthèses, 2005
Articles and works (selection)
- L'urbanisme des paysagistes. Repenser l'alternative", in Denis Delbaere et al (dir.), Le paysage est un projet, tome 2: "Construire l'étendue", Paris, Hermann, March 2025, pp. 243-254.
- "Tentative genealogy of the urban project, Belgium-Italy-Spain: A scientific biography of Marcel Smets", in Cristina Purcar (ed.), The Art of Urban Design. A critical catalog of Post-Industrial Regeneration in the Work of Marcel Smets, Cluj-Napoca, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca / Centrul de Interes, 2024, pp. 46-59.
- "The Dark Line. A Sublime Monument", about Michèle & Miquel's project in Taiwan, Metalocus, March 21, 2024.
- The conditions have not changed. L'héritage de l'après-Ciam", in Panos Mantziaras and Paola Viganò (eds.), Modern roots of the contemporary city: Principles and forms of resilience, Geneva, MētissPresses, 2019, pp. 105-118.
"Faire campagne: la carte, l'édifice et le chemin. Formes et desseins du périurbain", in Florian Muzard and Sylvain Allemand (eds.), Le Périurbain, espace à vivre*, Marseille, Parenthèses, 2018, p. 156-165.
Press review (selection)