École d'architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Séminaires de recherche du laboratoire OCS

Du 15.10.2024 à 18:00
au 11.02.2025

The Observatoire de la Condition Suburbaine (OCS) is the research laboratory of the École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est. It is part of the AUSser joint research unit.

The OCS laboratory's monthly seminar cycle brings together researchers from the school and guest researchers, around two presentations. Both speakers are invited to give a presentation on their research or work in progress. At the end of each lecture, a collegial discussion is opened with all the researchers and teachers present. The OCS seminar aims to be a forum for discussion, sharing hypotheses and questions, and putting research into perspective.

session #01 tuesday, october 15, 2024 ↓ read abstracts
Camille Lot

Julie Maillard

Pauline Soulenq
architect, visual artist and musician, associate member of OCS/AUSser
architect, landscape architect and urban planner, professor at Ensa Paris-Est and Ensa Clermont-Ferrand, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory
architect and urban planner, professor at Ensa Paris-Est, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory
L'eau brute
Zoé Raimbault** urban planner and soil scientist, research engineer at the Land Transition Chair, Ensa Paris-Est & École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris Vers des sols vivants
session #02 Monday November 18, 2024 ↓ read abstracts
Manon Espinasse** architect, urban planner, doctoral student at LVMT (École nationale des ponts et chaussées) and OCS/AUSser, on CIFRE at Bordeaux Métropole Autoroute d'une métropolisation
Rocío Calzado López** architect and documentary filmmaker, doctoral student at LATTS (École nationale des ponts et chaussées), co-founder of docar films, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est Au-delà de la démolition, le soin de l'architecture
séance #03 mardi 10 décembre 2024
Gwenaëlle d'Aboville** urban planner, architect, associate lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory Le sol des grands ensembles
Laurent Koetz** architect, PhD, associate professor at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory Les matériaux rustiques entre le 19e et le 20e siècle. Bois brut and ciment rocaille
session #04 Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Mariabruna Fabrizi

Fosco Lucarelli**
architect, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory
architect, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, associate member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory
Image schema and project.
**architect, urban planner, doctoral student at the OCS/AUSser laboratory and the UMR Innovation (INRAE) L'habitat paysan à l'épreuve des transitions
session #05 february 11, 2025
Frédérique Mocquet** architect, PhD, lecturer at Ensa Paris-Est, permanent member of the OCS/AUSser laboratory and associate member of the LLSETI laboratory (Université Savoie Mont-Blanc) Shaping the world: visions of photographic engineers in the mountains (19th century)
Lauriane Mollet-Rastello** architect, intern at the OCS/AUSser laboratory La pensée de l'archipel, une pensée projectuelle et littéraire du fragment et de la relation
programming details for spring semester to come

Illustration →
Manuel Casanueva, Escuela de Valparaíso, Archivo Histórico José Vial Armstrong, Laberinto y rebote, Chile, 1986
research is a collective field

Sessions for the year 2024-25
tuesday, october 15, 2024
monday november 18, 2024
Tuesday December 10, 2024
Tuesday January 14, 2025
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

**Place and time
from 6 pm to 8 pm
in the Banham space (research room)

Laberinto y rebote_Manuel Casanueva_Quintero_1986