Doing an internship abroad
L’école permet aux étudiants de l’Ensa Paris-Est d’effectuer un stage en Europe et de poursuivre des études ou pendant leur cursus universitaire. Les étudiants peuvent cumuler une mobilité d’études et de stage à condition que la durée totale de la mobilité n’excède pas 12 mois par cycle (licence et master)
The student can do his or her practical training internship, or an internship as part of a gap year and a professional project, abroad. It is the student’s responsibility to find the place of internship.
In a country of the European Union
- To benefit from Eramus aid, the student must fill out the internship mobility kit on the School’s website;
- Have it signed by the company;
- Have it validated and signed by the School;
- The student will have to fill in a final report when he/she returns from the internship.
- Information is available on the European Commission website.
- A help can be granted by the region of residence of the student, as for example the Ile de France.
In a country outside the European Union
The procedures are the same as for an internship in France, via the Taïga internship module. However, there is no Erasmus financial aid. A help can be granted by the region of residence of the student, as for example the Ile de France.
Mobility coordinator
Estefania Nuchera
Erasmus+ charter
Documents to download
Internship mobility kit
How to find an internship abroad